Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Solid Perfume

This blog post is dedicated to my friend Nicole. We've been friends since elementary school and I grew up in a house right behind that school, so needless to say, we spent many hours playing on the playground. One day we realized that after we had buried ourselves in the sand, our skin was magically softer. So naturally we took some home in a sock, whipped up a concoction using the sand and every bath product in the bathroom, slathered it all over our faces and named it "Purple Chester." This solid perfume project has the potential for lots of creativity and definitely brought me back to the 4th grade beauty professional in me.

Empty container - the recipe I went off of used a cute locket
Essential oil(s) of your choosing - I used sweet orange and a tiny bit of lavender
Coconut or Jojoba oil
Optional: Eyedropper - it was helpful but not necessary

To begin, I finished off the last of my Rosebud Salve so I could use the container.

Next I decided I would forget what was in the container if I left it as is, so I slapped a sloppy coat of white paint on it.

I left the roses on the side because they're pretty!

Then I found this bee hanging out in my room, he must have known I was using some of his hard earned beeswax. Sorry buddy!

So here is where the concocting starts. I found a recipe online and doubled it because I had the supplies and thought my container could hold more(in the end it turned out I probably should have quadrupled the recipe). 
1 heaping tsp of beeswax
3 tsp of coconut or jojoba oil
55 drops of essential oil 

Although the ingredients are shown separate above, I ended up combining them all and microwaving them for about 45 seconds, or until all melted. 

Then pour into your container and let cool completely - which took about 20 minutes.

Now to decorate! I added a little chevron pattern with a permanent marker.

Then added some red-orange lines and dots.

And some green lines and dots. This little container makes carrying a perfume around much easier and will become a staple in my purse.


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