Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pixelated painting

Being low on funds but in the mood to paint, I rummaged around my basement and came back up with a piece of plywood and got to work on a painting. I usually lean more towards mixed media when I create things that are purely visual, but I decided to just stick to paint this time. 

Acrylic paint

First, I slapped on a thin coat of white paint as a sort of primer to even out the surface a bit. 

While the paint was drying, I sketched out a thumbnail of what I was hoping to create. I was inspired by the paper fringe on pinatas and wanted the composition look like a ray of sunlight coming through from the top right.

I tried to paint it with my palette knife and was quickly reminded how much I dislike them and switched over to a paintbrush after one row. Also a great tip for a paint palette - use tin foil to cover any flat surface(I used a tupperware lid). 

Here it is about halfway through. In the first couple rows I got anxious and wanted to sort of skip around, but it didn't work out well so I went back to being patient and painting one row at a time.

This project really didn't take a whole lot of time, probably about 2 hours from start to finish. All done and up on the wall, and I spotted another piece of plywood in the basement so I may have to make this one a pair. 



  1. i love it, Heath!! You make me want to paint again..

  2. Thanks Tay! And do it up, it's my favorite way to zone out, haha
