Sunday, December 4, 2011

Rag Wreath

With the holidays coming up, being on a starving artist's budget makes you get a little more creative with your gift giving. This is a great project that isn't too expensive, and it's easy to make.  The only small warning is that it is pretty time doesn't look like it, but this one took me a combined total of about 8 hours to make.

Scrap fabric
Wire Hanger

I raided JoAnn Fabric's scrap section, and got as many different patterns of red and green I could find. The more patterns the better for this project I think.

Take your wire hanger and bend it into a circle shape. It doesn't have to be perfect, it kind of rounds itself out once all the fabric is on it, you'll see.

Now cut. And cut. And cut. This is what took the longest. I cut my fabric into about 5" x 1" strips. I didn't measure, just kind of eyeballed them.

To attach to the wire, just tie each fabric strip in a single knot. As you add more, push them together to fit as many strips on the wreath as possible, with no visible gaps to show the wire.  Make sure you play with each strip as you go and get all the colored sides of the fabric facing the same way. I went in a pattern, and kept it going through out the whole wreath.

So cute!

After the whole wreath was full, I tied a ribbon on to hang it from a door. I actually had quite a bit of scraps left, probably enough to make another wreath.
So if your looking for a cute, home-made, gift to give someone this holiday season, and have a free afternoon to cut some fabric...I say give this a try! I love the way it turned out!

--Emily Jo

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