Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dia de Los Muertos the Halloween Edition

Halloween has been Emily's number one holiday since birth and when we lived together in Savannah, her love for all things spooky was simply intoxicating. Luckily, this year we were able to spend the weekend together in Massachusetts. Knowing that we would be together on such a special holiday, we got to planning our costumes and decided to go with Day of the Dead.

Face paint - white, black, red and blue
Powder makeup - white and black
Black eyeliner
Loose glitter - optional
Self-sticking jewels
Bobby pins

To start, I picked up some (on sale!) flowers at Michaels and glued them to some pretty hefty bobby pins for my hair. 

As you can see I glued the pins to the leaves first.

Then I glued the leaves to the flowers.

Extreme close up! Emily thought it was necessary to get a picture sans makeup.

On the white makeup goes!

Putting on the black makeup.

Lining my eyebrows.

Filling them in with blue to match my flowers.

I decided to go with the red lips lined in black.

All complete!

Emily putting the final touches on her makeup. As you can see, she decided to do some red right around the eyes and went with the full black lips.

Ready to explore all that Salem has to offer! Witches, ghouls and goblins, here we come.

Two girls in Witch City

Uh oh! We got caught practicing witchcraft!

--Heather and Emily Jo

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