Thursday, October 27, 2011

Porcelain Paint

To stick with the simple theme of the week, I decided to decorate some boring white coffee mugs with a little bit of paint. I had seen an example of this on, is a very addicting site if you don't already have an account there) and wanted to try it out for myself. In the end, the mugs look like they took a lot of time and creativity, when in reality the entire project took me less than 45 minutes - for all three mugs!

Porcelain paint

I wanted to stop by our local Salvation Army store to see what sort of mugs they had there(I had envisioned doctoring up cheesy mug designs with my own designs), but decided instead to do a little shopping in our own cabinets. I came across these simple Pottery Barn mugs just begging for some sketchy drawings.

I picked up silver and black paint at Michael's and got to work. These are actually very easy to draw with straight from the bottle, so skip the paint brushes.

Here are some abstracted tree designs on my first mug. You can see that the paint comes out a bit like puff paint. 

Ta-dah! Three revamped mugs! I started out with the trees(painting them upside down on purpose, deciding to stick to that theme through all three) and then moved onto the linear mountains and finished up with the nesting dolls. 

Once these have dried for 24 hours, I just have to stick them in the oven at 350 degrees for 35 minutes and they will be dishwasher and microwave safe.


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